Friday 3 June 2011


So we're into day 3. Exercises this morning were middling. The sit-ups were really crunches; the push-ups were mostly from the knee - still working on form. The leather jumprope is definitely too short though it feels much nicer than the plastic one. I wonder if I can exchange it anywhere.

Food-wise, I've managed to stick to half-portions and, of course, no booze yet. Because I eat out a lot, the half-portion has required a little thought. I eat three meals a day and no snacks; so I'm often pretty hungry by the time dinner comes around. Now, I'm ravenous.

To date the meal has solved this, but I just had my third lunch and definitely still feel hungry. I think I'll drink a litre or two of water to stave it off. Feeling ravenous normally doesn't result in my snacking but does lead to unhealthy choices in the name of expediency. I'd prefer for that not to be the case during this first week.

I was surprised at how dehydrated I was this morning. Usually this happens if I drink too much (alcohol) but is strange considering I drank two large glasses of water last night. Too little salt? Too much? Anyway; I've dropped 1.6kg since the start according to the scales though I suspect this is mostly water and the massive meal I had on Tuesday (I was almost a kilo heavier on Wed morning than Tues).

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