Thursday 9 June 2011

Longer Skipping Rope Required

I've tried a few skipping ropes now. I like my leather one best, but it is just about a half-foot too short and it's messing me around. If I get the tempo absolutely perfect I can miss the back of my head and can even avoid having the rope touch the floor. When you get a run of those, it feels pretty great.

However, the slightest perturbation in the air or any unevenness and thwack you've hit your head, and spoiled the rhythm or worse caused a trip.

I've been doing some online window shopping and I think I've found the solution (emphasis mine):

The Skipmate has two modes of play, the first will count the number of skips and encourage you. The second lets you skip along to 4 different groovy skipping songs. Rope has glittery handles and the rope itself has sparkle woven in. The Skipmate Pod has belt clips that hook on the the belt. Skipmate comes with all accessories including skipping rope, Skipmate pod (batteries included) and adjustable belt.

This is how happy I want to look while skipping or I want my money back


  1. I don't hit myself in the head but I manage to hit myself in the shins or toes if I start to wobble. OUCH.

    I skip with socks on now as I used to always get my little toe stuck in the rope that would disrupt the flow.

  2. I don't know... she doesn't look so happy to me. I see fear in her eyes. Like there is an East Bloc trainer screaming at her off camera. Still, if the sparkle is woven in its probably worth it. I don't even know how that's possible. What an age we live in...

    I should take a page from your book and maybe try out some other jump ropes. But I feel like my issues are purely physical at the moment. No surprise there.

  3. I've found some sites which show recommended rope lengths for heights e.g. - I have one on order now that critical 12" or 30cm longer

    Tracey, I skip barefoot mostly and have some bruised looking toes. I switch to rubber toed shoes when it gets too distracting.

    Richard, maybe there is an East Bloc trainer, but that is why she will destroy us.
