Friday 17 June 2011

It really, really, really could happen ...

I got taken to Universal a rather nice restaurant today by a vendor. It was horrible. Fancy beers and decent wine and rich food all paid for someone else. And all fucking worthless to me.

Almost none of the food was suitable and they wouldn't even prepare me some steamed veggies. So I nibbled on some ridiculously expensive fish, ate a chunk of bread and waited to get back to the office to fill up on roast vegetables from my packed lunch.

And then I had to go out for a farewell drinks for a colleague. I don't mind soda-water but I'm beginning to see how ricockulous this whole thing looks from outside our cult. Oh, well; here's to another Friday at home watching Peak Practice with my life.


  1. Come on Noel- it ain't so bad... Only 73 days to go and then a lifetime of skipping and sit ups!

  2. Could be worse, you could have to sit in with Pete on a Friday night...

  3. Thanks for the perspective, Inés. You seem like a booze-hound too. Does this also mean a permanent reduction in alcohol intake? This is probably what Edward Norton is contemplating.

  4. I also ended up at a free booze, free food function last week and wondered why, oh why did this happen on week 2. The welcome drinks were awesome. The empowerment of resisting has got to make us feel superior and uberhuman soon, no ?

  5. Anything that people do that is different to the mainstream can come across as ridiculous. The good news is that people around you tend to have short memories. It doesn't take that long for a decisive 'no thank you' to be the only thing people remember and they accept how you are living.

    Beer, wine, spirits, all that is there at the end. But knowing you can live without it, to flourish without it, is something that you can only do with a bit of commitment these 90 days. The final result is worth the 'no thank yous' the feeling a big freakish or hermit like or whatever. Not many people have a peak condition body because not everyone has this much commitment.


  6. From the perspective of one of the people who was at this farewell, (Mike) the only reason people want you to drink and smoke with them is so they don't feel so bad about doing so.

    People can't understand how people can derive the willpower to go against the grain and not fill themselves up with booze and cr*p food.

    I get inspiration from people who are able to practice moderation and have strong willpower in situations such as these - to the point where I am actually going to participate in the next peak condition project myself...

    Keep going !

  7. (oh yeah, and at least u didn't wake up with a hangover the next day !)

  8. Georgie, of course, I feel a great amount of smug at times. Helen, thanks for the kind and inspiring words. Mike, you old cock! Hope you're enjoying your pre-PCP detox. Take it easy these last few days, and have a few indulgences. Three weeks in, I'm getting really used to the routine, but you may as well maximise your free time.
