Wednesday 1 June 2011

Kick Start

Fortunately this morning in Sydney was unseasonably warm - 19C when my alarm went off - so getting up and into PCP should have been easy.

However, thinking that last night was my last night of drinking and any freedom in eating choices, I had a too-large Italian meal and several glasses of wine with it. So I was feeling a little bit seedy this morning.

Nevertheless I gave the exercises my best shot. Squats were fine; push-ups were not as bad as I feared. However, my form wasn't great - I wasn't getting down far enough. Which brings me to a question for Patrick; my thinking is it's better to get as many reps out with good form as possible. If I'm failing is it okay to switch to push-ups from the knee to get the last few reps out?

Sit-ups - first set was fine. The second set didn't seem to start; somehow my body just wasn't moving very far off the ground. So I settled for crunches with good form. I know from past experience that this should improve somewhat quickly (but maybe not quickly enough to keep up with the later demands!).

Skipping was slightly problematical. I had trouble getting a rhythm - however, once I got into the swing of it (forgive the pun), I was getting 20+ jumps. With a brand new leather rope I also had problems with it hitting the back of my head on the up-swing. I literally need to work out the kinks. I'll post a picture later of how!

Food should also be relatively easy. I eat the same breakfast and lunch on week-days, so halving the portions is easy.

One possible exception - I drink a cup or two of black coffee daily. Seeing as this is calorie free, I'm going to take the view that I can continue this (also half-finishing a well-made espresso coffee is immoral - I'd rather go without than insult my dedicated baristas by leaving half the product in the cup).


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