Thursday 30 June 2011

One Month ...

...  and one third of the way. We're switching up again and it's only to get more challenging as time goes on. I know some will relish this challenge, but let me present an alternative.


  1. Team American is one of my fave movies. I laughed like a stupid idiot the whole way through. Thunderbirds were my era I guess so it really struck a chord.

  2. I'm off to buy some fags, never knew smoking could look so cool....

  3. Hey Mate, I trust you are feeling better. Come on, we are all waiting for the next "Tra-la-fucking-la"

    I too seem to have the beginnings of a sore throat and am popping vitamin C like crazy. It's so bloody dry here and I'm hoping my throat is sore due to dryness as apposed to the beginning's of a cold. Just out of interest is there much PCP compliant medicines for colds and flu?
