Sunday 19 June 2011

Physiological Changes

Well, Patrick told us we would be noticing changes in our bodies at this point - hair in places there wasn't hair, strange bowel movements or, in this case, my balls appear finally to have dropped. Who knew this was the trigger they finally needed?

Seriously though, my digestive system seems to have mostly adjusted to the new menu. I'm feeling good most of the time; very rarely hungry unless I don't stick to the schedule. This makes weekends more difficult, but still manageable.

Mood is generally positive and not subject to the swings of drinking and hangovers. I haven't noticed any changes in my skin - but seeing as these sound like they're bad before they get better, maybe I should be grateful.

Most noticeably, and I guess because the food is blander than what I'm used to (still tasty) I think I'm getting more sensitive to subtle flavours. I had to eat an emergency lunch just now because I was at a film ("Senna", by the way; awesome documentary) and so just had a few slices of bread to make up the carbs. By Christ, I swear I could taste the salt in the bread. And last night I was having a soda water and was seriously questioning whether there wasn't something else in there (lemonade, salt or something).

Skipping is improving slowly. Maybe I would trip less if I stopped showboating:


  1. New skipping rope made a big difference? Do they come adapted for elephantitus?

  2. Well, as you can see from my demonstration video, the key is to skip on your hands. (I'm assuming you can swing the rope with your elephantine feet).

  3. Thanks for the great tip. All set now....

  4. Your palette will continue to refine, choose a benchmark food that tastes bland now and come back to it every few weeks to see how the taste experience changes.

    And come on man, the handstand jumpropes aren't until week 4!

  5. Saw a snippet of Senna and it looks amazing... Monaco in the rain won't ever be the same.

    I hear you on the ultra sensitive taste buds when it comes to breads and salt. I just bought a loaf of salt free bread this past week and its a completely different taste. And it makes the whole wheat tortillas I bought taste like they are absolutely loaded with salt.

    And whose got Elephantine Tight Ass?
