Sunday 14 August 2011

The Whinging Wall

Right, to date, I've had ups and downs, some pain, some frustration and a lot of poor motivation, and this has translated into procrastination on many occasions. However, I have tried to do everything exercise-wise throughout the PCP.

This weekend I hit a motivational wall. It probably didn't help that for most of yesterday I felt nauseous and spent a couple of hours shivering from something but I just couldn't face the exercises. My right shoulder is still giving my gip which makes me dread all the things that support my weight through the shoulders. Plus Sydney has decided that Spring wasn't such a good idea and to try Winter again. And a bunch of mates were around last night having drinks before going out for the night. (how's my litany of petty whinging going?)

This morning I did my overdue quarterly taxes in the and prepared a batch of Shaona's tandoori chicken (what's happened to Shaona by the way - are you still with us, dear?) but eventually convinced myself to do the skipping by mid-afternoon. Started badly, but I picked up the pace and got it done. I didn't progress into the main work out though.

Instead, I visited my friends, Pete and Liz and their delightful daughter, Stella and caught up on the last few weeks. All day I felt shit about the encroaching workout - and felt horribly unmotivated. Finally, though, at 8pm I started and it was actually okay. Sure, my shoulder hurt, and the dips weren't deep enough and I hit failure too quickly and I'm a weak little pansy. But I did it and I feel much more positive again. Truth be told, I've been in a funk and not feeling great about my own progress, but I think I just need to talk myself back to a good state.

We have 2 weeks left on this project. Yes, it's tough; yes, it's a little stale and boring, and yes, it feels like my body is betraying me at times.

So I need to use all the great slogans everyone has thrown at me and dig deep for one last 14 day push and get the motherfucker done.

To inthinity and beyond!


  1. Noel u can always give us a call when u need to talk yourself out of a motivational dip. (for what its worth)

  2. I love that phrase... "dig deep motherfucker get done". I guess we just need to keep hearing Patrick's voice telling us it is not supposed to be fun. Doesn't help much as I know exactly how you feel. Am doing just that today... blaming the heat in Tokyo and just not feeling like pushing it. Hope that the funk dissipates. Helps to read about Pete's Cubans.

  3. I know how you feel mate. I don't mind the diet, the skipping but I fecking hate the workouts. My shoulder constantly hurts - just as well I've got Bupa or I'd be suing Patrick for the physio bills. I intend to get really pissed when you're over. I need a good night out. V.jealous of your trip btw. You've got nowt to bitch about with that coming up!!
