Wednesday 10 August 2011

Max the Envelope!

Has anyone else had any slogans going through their heads more lately? It's funny how they pop into your head whether from an ironic source or a serious one and I guess they do actually help.

Of course there's the PCPer's favourite, "JFD".

From a personal trainer I once had (whose actual nickname was (I'm not kidding) Steve Machine) there's "Last set, best set" - great for pushing out those last annoying reps.

Another one from a great trainer was "Replace 'should' with 'must'".

There's a whole selection from Ranier Wolfcastle:
Now step over to the abdominator and I will shout slogans at you:
Push, harder, Go past the max! Reach over the top! Master your ass! Overshoot the extreme! Max the envelope!! 
Blast through the burn, ride the zone.
 And of course, my current favourite: "Honey badger don't give a shit!"

What motivational slogans help you get to and through your workouts?


  1. Our trainer in high school, the former NFL playing barrel-chested Coach Johns (Skip Johns, actually), who was also one of the wrestling coaches and an amateur poet, had a whole bevy of great lines but the one he most frequently used was, "C'mon Richard, c'mon dammit, push it, push it through the ceiling... PUSH IT THROUGH THE CEEEEEEEEEEILING!"

    The expense to repair said ceiling was well worth though, because damn if he wasn't a freakin' great weight lifting coach. Glad he wasn't in charge of our diets though because he would stuff his mouth full of "chaw" (chewing tobacco) and drink Diet Dr. Peppers like they were going out of style. Only thing was he never spat... so our assumption is that he just swallowed the tobacco right along with the soda. I can only imagine what it was doing to his digestive system. I can't remember if he ate the cans too. Still, great guy, definitely helped improve my performance in pole vaulting (was even pushed for a pole vaulting scholarship at one school if you can believe that!).

    Sadly I have no slogans beyond the f-word used on myself. However, Powersauce Bars (which are mostly newsprint I am told) have apple saucicity and should power my forthcoming trek up the Murderhorn.

  2. When I was playing competitive hockey, we use the phrase, "Dig deep" alot. Not really sure if it helped.

    For PCP I use JFD most days. But I am also a big rep counter and I count down to the end. I also clock watch during the skipping and tell myself that I am "over half way" and "home stretch" which seems to make it easier for me. I really need to have an end point to focus on.

    I had a personal trainer a few years ago who would never tell me how many seconds I had left on planks. I convinced him that it was much easier for me to "dig deep" if I knew how much longer I had to go. When he starting counting down in 5 second lots my planks got much better. I do the same for myself now and watch the clock and say to myself, "30 seconds to go" etc.

    But the motivational speak from the 8MA guy makes me laugh. Has anybody else noticed the mistakes in his commentary?

  3. However, WTF does "Max the envelope" mean?

  4. No Lunges No lunges No lunges. I also frequently get the Mr. Clean jingle in my head while skipping. I'm a crazy person. I know!

  5. Between counting what I am doing and excessive use of just "F@$K" there is no space in my workout even for JFD anymore. Only other thing going through my head is "don't crack your teeth. don't crack your teeth, don't crack your teeth". Other than a blank mind whilst I chill out during those precious seconds in between reps is "how short is 10 seconds!!!!!" Certainly nowhere enough time for my poor body to recover anything.
