Wednesday 17 August 2011

Plenary Indulgence

It feels like the third indulgence rolled around quite quickly. And what an opportunity - to have a pre-PCP style meal (though limited somewhat in calories). Yeah, I had a few ideas.

I settled on Pizzeria Lucio pretty quickly. Their Neapolitan style pizzas are fresh, made with superb ingredients and are all based on smile combinations of excellent flavours.

The only minor problem was that they were closed when I turned up! Luckily, Lucio's cousin, Mario (this is not a joke) has a similar place and so I got some extra cardio in making my way there.

My friend and I shared an insalata caprese and two pizzas - a salamino (con salame e ricotta) and a margherita con ruchetta e crudo. I ate three slices and had half the bottle of Montepulciano.

It was all excellent. The flavours of the salamino were perfect (though they used to have a salame providore way back in the day who, though unreliable, delivered an even more amazing variety that was super spicy - still this new one is excellent too). The prosciutto was also gorgeous; I haven't eaten any ham since the start of the PCP and this was an excellent reintroduction; certainly not too salty and paired perfectly with the rocket. I know the wine choice was unusual but my companion only drinks red and it all went together surprisingly well.

The conversation flowed, as did a shot of limoncello for a digestif and I slept like a log for 7 hours (which is actually more than I've been achieving lately - I've started waking early in the mornings and not being able to nod back off again as a rule).

I didn't feel bloated or nasty after the meal (which I feared). Perhaps before PCP I would have scarfed down a 4th or even 5th slice of pizza and maybe that minor restraint saved me. In any case I felt more than satisfied.

I did feel a little hazy this morning due to the booze, but nothing too bad, and by the time it came for workouts this evening, I felt fine again.

Indulgence WIN.


  1. Nicely done fella. I'm still trying to decide what to do for mine and know I need to get a move on before day 80. Not sure why but guess Patrick has a plan. 12 more days to go, Yikes

  2. Buonissimo e applaudito! Looks like a fantastic meal, and those pizze look "right" for lack of a better word... the ones here in the states are nothing like the ones you get in Italy.

  3. Yummy yum yum. Good choice!

  4. I didn't feel ill after my indulgence either.

    Yours looked yum!!

  5. Looks fab. I don't get it when these people say they feel ill from eating something off the usual list? I certainly didn't on holiday although sometimes a tad parched in the mornings which I put down to too much salt in the food or the g&ts. I can handle it. Love your comment today on Mr Cs blog. Made me laugh out loud. You better be funny in the flesh!!!

  6. Am I sure I want to marry "that other bloke?" What is your proposal? :O)
