Thursday 25 August 2011

Bonus Cardio

I walk to and from work every day. In Sydney, this is often a pleasure, though over the last few months (i.e. PCP), we've had some of the crappiest winter weather I've ever experienced here - though still wonderful compared to Ireland's winters. Given that my pull-up bar and chest-dip bars were also outdoors, this led to some frustrating days.

When it's spring here, it is kind of the greatest city on Earth (in my limited opinion); today was one of those perfect spring days and I was due to work off-site in North Sydney, so I decided rather than taking the bus, train or a taxi, I would walk it. Bonus Cardio!


  1. You are making me homesick Noel.

  2. Sounds like a beautiful cardio!

  3. Sydney is amazing and you are so lucky to be able to walk to work. Georgie and I live in Johannesburg and sadly, there is no way in hell we can walk to work. We would be in serious trouble as we would be mugged, robbed, beaten up, and probably even raped. It really sucks and sadly it isn't getting any better. Life is cheap here and people just don't have any respect for one another. Johannesburg is a cut throat business city and sadly attracts some horrible criminals who take advantage of the wealth here. The rest of the country is amazing but also have their own problems but sadly Johannesburg is the worst.

  4. Thanks for the invite, Bruce. Look forward to seeing you soon!

  5. We visited for Xmas one year and absolutely loved it... did the Harbour Bridge climb/tour, saw the amazing zoo, ate pizza on The Rocks, dinner at the Quay, day at the beach... just an awesome time all around. Definitely have to do it again. Kim would move to Australia if she had her druthers.

  6. Oh I love Australia! I'd be there in a second. If only you had really meant your proposal. In 2 months from today I will be Mrs. Richard Benson...
