Wednesday 31 August 2011


Just hangin'

If there's one thing I've learned since starting PCP, it's that you shouldn't focus on numbers. If there's another thing I carry over, it's that you can't do everything Patrick tells you. Behold, the final graph of my Peak Condition Project:

It speaks for itself, but you're looking at a 12.5 - 13kg weight loss from day 1 - that's about 2 stone in old money. I don't put too much stock in the accuracy of the body fat % measure - but it has gone from 20% to 13% (and hit 12% on day 92!) - a solid result in such a short period.

In case that's not enough data for you, I have some more. These are body measurements on a weekly basis throughout the PCP. These were all taken in a non-flexed state when the muscles were cold (not pumped).

The graph is a bit muddled and many of the measures haven't moved dramatically but some have:

MeasureDay 6Day 90
Upper arm2932
Hips (i.e. arse)10295

No wonder my trousers are looser. The real win is around my midsection where I dropped 17cm of ugly and dangerous fatty tissue. My waist-to-hip ratio - a key indicator for weight-related conditions has dropped from almost 1.05 (high risk) to under 0.95 (low risk).

The chest and shoulder measures are down or static, but I think that's from losing the moobs and some back-fat. Here's what that looks like:

Days 1, 14 & 90 Front

Days 1, 14 & 90 Side (Day 14 I am sticking my belly out - as several people have noted)

More Final Day Posing

So, am I happy with the result? Hells, yeah! Definition is improved, weight is much better and general sense of wellbeing is just awesome. I wanted to summarise my learnings in the other blog post because in a sense it's what's between my ears is the biggest change from the PCP (that's right, I had a lobotomy). It's about attitude, understanding and habitual change.

I've thanked most people in my previous post but final thanks to everyone who's done the project, past and current - your ultimate success is your own but it also leads to others' success. It truly is a virtuous circle. For others considering the PCP, if you care for your health or are just a bit vain give it a shot. If you stick to it, you will see amazing results. This has worked for far too many people for it to be a fluke. It is hard work but most good things in life are. Get into it.

Even more special thanks to team Puck. Kim insists we're the bestest group of all and I'll finally and happily accede. You guys have all been great. Bruce & Georgie - you've both done an amazing job; Bruce's photos have blown me away. Good luck with your other project ;-) (not sure if it's a secret so won't put it here). Kim & Richard - I hope the wedding is excellent and further enhanced by your gorgeousness and that it is the start of a long and happy path for you. Ashley, I apologise for never catching up, but would be great to have a debrief with you and other Sydney finishers when I get back. Pete & Mandy, you've been fantastic for our group and the project. I don't think I would have been able to stand the PCP if there hadn't been some levity, bitching and piss-taking; I actually asked the sorting hat to put me in Team Puck because this post made me snort milk out of my nose. What a great decision it's been.

Patrick and Chen - you've done an amazing job of putting together a system that is approachable, repeatable and that really works. From a workout and food perspective, nothing is revolutionary, but the focus on psychology is key and I think that's where the PCP really shines. It provides all the tools to get people over the mental hurdles that typically hold them back or compromise their goals. I can't thank you guys enough.

And so I'll close with the activity I started the PCP journey on - long may it last.



  1. Congrats Noel. You look great.
    Rocking transformation!!

    Good Luck Mate!!

  2. Stellar. Have fun in HK on Friday!

  3. Is there any sort of 90 day programme for getting a suntan?

  4. If you want to look as good as me, Pete, you need to bleach for 10 minutes every day! Careful not to get blinded by the light.

  5. Noelinator, looking sharp man! You totally engaged and wrestled with the project but kept it fun! That's all we can ask for. Great result, great spirit. COMPLETE!

  6. That's more like it. We needed the graph and the pictures are amazing. It's been great having you on the Puck team and we all totally smoked it. Well done again and congrats on the huge stats. I have confidence that armed with our new information about correct eating and exercise, we won't reverse what we have achieved and with the correct amount of control will stay the way we look now. Well done and have a blast in HK!


  7. A whole post and nary a mention of poo... I call shenanigans! Actually, I just read your previous post and it had me in tears. Seriously, if you enjoyed writing half as much as I enjoy reading what you've written, you should do so much more frequently and in some sort of public venue so that everyone else can share in your wit and insight. Having you in the Pucksters was a treat and an honor.

    Still, the graph and Star Wars references partially make up for the poo-less-ness. Admittedly would like to see you in the Princess Leia/Jabba's Sail Barge Bikini, but perhaps when we visit unannounced.

    Awesome job, my man. You were one of those PCPers who bore that mantle of grim determination right through but managed to make it all feel far less grim through your blog and email and then the results of course which speak for themselves. I can only pile on to what others have already said so much before me before it all becomes mindlessly redundant: fucking right on.

    BTW, the view from your apartment looks amazing. Do you ever have any of those colossal bats from the park swoop in? I wonder if they are low fat...

  8. Wow what great results! Congratulations Noel. I definitely appreciated your comments both via e-mail and blog post throughout the project. I'm also jealous of your chart making skills. I need to learn me some of that! Well done!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Congrats Noel. You really stuck at it, through thick, thin, not so thick, not so thin. There were a few more on that Bristol scale, most amusing!
    A pleasure to read your progress and battles throughout. Your penultimate post was a good read and you summed up the exercise nicely in the 'sweating' section. It's the art of showing up.
    Thank you.
