Saturday 20 August 2011

Afternoon Muffin

For those of us who are still carrying some flab around our midsections, has anyone else noticed how much worse things get through out the day? When I get up in the mornings, my sides are relatively straight and when I see that guy in the mirror, I think "heeyy, looking good".

But as gravity takes its effect throughout the day, the fat evenly spread around the torso all sags down until by the middle of the afternoon, a muffin-top has reasserted itself above the belt-line.

One thing's for sure: final day photos will be taken first thing in the morning!


  1. I can still grab handfuls of belly skin/flab. Handfuls I kid you not.

    Seems to be more slack skin these days rather than rolls of blubber which is progress. It is kinda like that children's story - The Saggy Baggy Elephant.

    I find that I can easily make a muffin top if I tighten the belt too much.

    The mornings are always better though. Dehydration?

  2. All pictures taken first thing in the morning. Except for one and that had this effect. Same if you weigh yourself. Lightest in the morning.

  3. Hmmmmmm... excellent idea. I noticed it, but it was a bit more subconscious. May have to give the morning photos a "shot" too!

    I get a muffin top while I am working if I press up against the desk and the fat and skin rolls over the top of the desk. And since I am working from home and sometimes don't have a shirt on Kim is sure to point and laugh.
