Thursday 11 August 2011

Missed Hake

For some reason I decided I would treat myself this afternoon to a processed drink. Granted, it was calorie-free Coke Zero, so not likely to do much in terms of calories.

It was pretty much undrinkable. Yes, there were some overtones of something resembling fruit, but they were swamped by a saltiness I wasn't expecting (salt is not listed as an ingredient) and left a bitter chemical aftertaste I couldn't stomach. I got about 50ml in and gave up. It maybe be worth breaking the rules for an odd alcoholic beverage, but Coke Zero is a waste of indiscipline.

Oh, so 'fessing up, I have had the drinking day I wrote at length about, another night where I had a few vodka-sodas (though I feel I made up somewhat by going for a 3.5 hour bush walk the next day) and two other evenings where I had a glass of red wine ... well, I couldn't finish one of the glasses. This has not been an alcohol free PCP but it has been mostly abstemious.

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