Wednesday 24 August 2011

Oddly Sentimental

I just put some chicken breasts stuffed with roma tomato and basil in the oven along with a pile of vegetables and realised this is my final PCP mass-cooking event. This will see me to the weekend and then I can cook individual meals through Monday. I will be indulging a bit next week and then leave Australia for 6 weeks.

So I'm getting prematurely sentimental about the end of an era.

On the other hand - something the fuck other than fucking bland food for a while! Yeeee haaawww! Fuck the fuck off you fucking chickeney fuck!


  1. Really Noel, you have got to learn how to form an opinion. ^.^

    Your photos are amazing. The belly has been banished!! Congrats.

  2. Are you breathing in?!! Well done you.
    Had a good ol' chortle at the last bit of your blog. So much so, I had to call Pete to come and read it.

  3. Who you calling a chickeney fuck! Leave the poor chickens out of it!

  4. Hmmm. Mandy - I think I'm flexing in the photos (which includes my core). In the interests of truth in advertising, I will take a final shot like this but also fully relaxed for comparison. Hopefully it won't that that much of a difference.

  5. Great new pics! It looks like your posture has also changed significantly for the better along with your vanished belly.

    Sorry Kim and I won't be able to make it to HK for the PCP reunion!
