Sunday 10 July 2011

Dressing up Dinner

Oh - Patrick also mentioned:

If you search the web for "egg white recipes" you'll find people doing all kinds of cool stuff with egg whites.
Well, I finally did it just now. You've got to be having a laugh, Reynolds. 90% of the recipes are for meringues and pavlova (I'm no nutritionist, but I'm guessing these aren't on the program) and the rest are such inspirational gems as "egg white omelette" (though none specifically with apple), "egg white in flavoured milk", "egg whites with instant noodles" and my piquant little favourite:
Large fried egg - crack 6 egg whites + 1 yolk into a pan - I then fry it as I would a normal egg - over easy, leaving the yolk runny. Then I break the yolk and spread it out over the egg white so that it gains some flavour. Maybe add tomatoe (sic) sauce.
I can see them serving that up on the closing night at El Bulli.

Just let me eat the stupid hard-boiled eggs with a little bit of seasoning in peace like the reclusive obsessive monster I'm becoming.


  1. I did mention to Coops recently, that another thing to add to his list of why PCP is a cult is the fact that as an initiate (or are we acolytes now? I know I've recruited one person to the cult) each individual step the leader asks you to perform doesn't seem all that unreasonable in the context of what's gone before and what you've come to expect until you wake up one day and think - what the hell am I doing with my life? How did end up being a person who eats an apple and egg-whites for dinner?

    But I will not falter.

  2. What do we do when the evening snack on day 90 is a vile of arsenic? We don't sack Patrick, Patrick sacks us!

  3. It is a slow, gradual process but I agree, we are subtly becoming less and less able to mingle with normal society. Restaurants, bars and pubs are fast becoming a taboo. Imagine by day 90 - the change is going to be radical.

  4. I have been recruited - and I don't know whether to laugh or cry
