Sunday 10 July 2011

Day 40 - Why Does That Ring a Bell?

Maybe it was because Patrick mentioned this on Day 0:
And trust me, around Day 40 you will have a very loud voice in your head telling you to quit!
So, do I have that voice? Not quite, but the last week has been hard motivation-wise. A lot of other people have alluded to the first-month milestone they were working towards and of course, the realisation that having attained it, there's no respite, no rest, no reward, just more (a fucking huge amount more) of the same to go, and worse.

At this motivational trough, when I realised I needed to lift my game to keep pushing myself for another 2 months, that nasty cold smacked me upside the head on Monday morning. So that day and Tuesday were pretty shit, but by Wednesday I was back pushing myself (particularly in light of Patrick's reminder and admonishment that when sick we absolutely should not drop skipping - which is exactly what I dropped Monday and half-assed Tuesday).

Interesting observation about the cold - normally when I wake up with a cold and blow my nose, there's a varying amount of green congealed snot - no surprises there - but in the past, whenever the snot has been fresh and liquid, it has also been crystal clear. I believe this was the first time in my life that I saw my body produce molten green-yellow booger. I would have been less surprised and alarmed had it been red with blood. Maybe it's because of all the vegetables I've been eating.

Diet wise things have been pretty alright. I've forgotten an egg white or a piece of fruit here or there, hopefully not to the detriment of the overall effort; it's so much easier on work days when you have a schedule, mind. I was actually getting quite into doing creative dishes when our meals resembled meals and had a little repertoire of compliant dinners I was working on. But now that lunch looks like dinner and dinner looks like - well let's not dress it up - a fucking apple - there seems to be less opportunity for trying anything interesting. This is not such a bad thing, but also makes grocery shopping a bit duller too.

So, poor time-management and the residual cold-related wheeziness have made all training more annoying than usual this week. In detail:

  • I might sort of be beginning to get the hang of Pistol Squats. The first day there was about a millimetre between too low to push back up versus being too easy. I think they're starting to look more like they're supposed to and the follow-up leg work kills me, so I guess I'm doing something right.
  • I have still not done a full Pull-up (I await Pete's discouraging words) though the are inching (millimetring) closer to a reality. Getting more clean reps on inclines each time.
  • Bicycles are weird. Not sure I've done those well today seeing as I just noticed the Pro Tip not to touch your back to the chair.
  • V-Sits - getting less awful - though still predominantly awful.
  • Ditto, Planks.
  • Side Crunches aren't that hard which makes me think I'm doing them wrong.

I was reminded of another prescient quote from the first day by Patrick:
In a few weeks it'll be plenty hard.  You will cry a few times.
After one of the Creeps sessions, I sort of fell over sideways, spent utterly, and was catching my breath when I noticed my chin was wobbling uncontrollably, like that of a toddler who's about to completely lose his shit after he's realised that the big lick they took from his ice-cream popped the nice part off and onto the ground leaving him with an empty conical wafer that looks like someone jizzed on the rim just to add insult to injury.

But I ... DIDN'T ... cry! HARD CORE!!!

1 comment:

  1. HAHA, funny blog dude, and hey, keep working at those pull ups, we're all rooting for you! Sooner or later you'll get there, keep your chin up!
